About this blog

Pursue Graphic Design

Are you in pursuit of your passion? Do you doodle, or simply desire to pursue graphic design as a career but unsure about that it takes to do this? This blog will encourage you and help you with steps you need to take to become a graphic designer. Not just someone who calls himself or herself a graphic designer because they own photoshop but someone who appreciates the basic fundamentals of the principles of graphic design.

We all want to learn. I am still learning. Learning never ends. So let us learn together without anxiety and fear and discover graphic design ­— especially before jumping into graphic design school; which by the way is something I do recommend.

I have run into a few parents recently who are a bit worried about their child wanting to do graphic design. I will share my story while providing insight on how I became a graphic design over the last 5 years and how you can become one too.

How is Pursue Graphic Design different from other graphic design blogs

Whether you are a high school student or recent grad or already enrolled in college or someone is looking to change careers, Pursue Graphic Design gives you:

  • Fresh articles; not just ones circulating on Google for ages!
  • Connections with similar people searching who are just like you through social media
  • Step-by-step instructions to complete specific designs.
  • Answers to your questions, to the best of my knowledge.

Come have some fun as we help each other in the search for a successful graphic design career. And if you feel like this is not the thing for you, you can still follow along as a hobby we will always welcome you.

To start your search, enter your email here.

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