Five things graphic designers do

September 2010, makes six years that I started my journey to pursue graphic design. I stepped out in faith to pursue my passion. I took the risk and changed my career from auditing to graphic design. Having gained much insight from this experience, I thought to share  five things graphic designers do.

Graphic design is everywhere, from print media signs, web pages, and television screens to road signs and retail displays. The western world has become reliant on visual communications to develop a social and cultural identity.

In addition to the fact that people communicate visually, more now than ever before, evidence also exists to suggest that people communicate more effectively when they communicate visually. Studies show that people only remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read but 80% of what they see and do. Therefore, graphic design is important but how do we make that ultimate impact?

Here are five things graphic designers do to get ahead and keep the profession strong with effective awesome designs.

Five things graphic designers do

1. Think logically



Graphic design is not random but it is a logically creative (oxymoron intended) field that uses the principles of design. It requires brainstorming for unique and clever concepts that will amaze clients. We are indeed right-brained and are creative people. However, when this is combined with thinking with the left-side of your brain, I believe you may be able to design even better work. This takes time so schedule your projects for time to put on your thinking cap.

2. Direct readerslayout

Everything in today’s media is planned. When creating reading materials such as book covers, posters or magazines pages, graphic designers convey the client’s message through the layout. We use elements to create pages that are easy to ready, causing the eye to move from top-left to the second most important point and so on. Things such as a “Drop Cap” for contrast, colours, pictures, fonts, etc are such elements. So how cool is that? Hence, to create effective designs, you cannot just go looking for templates.

3. Affect the psychological state of persons

colourThrough the use of colours, graphic designers can set the tone for persons to react in a particular way. The fact is that colours have a psychological impact. Red is warm and associated with passion, courage, danger or anger and can easily bring your attention to a ‘SALE’ announcement. A few other associations are: yellow brings happiness. Blue brings formality and/or tranquillity. Green is fresh and serene. Purple is noble. White is pure but too much can be stark. Black is sophistication but too much can bring depression. Gray is technology and intelligence but too much can also bring depression. Brown is earth and stability.

When graphic designers combine certain colours, they also create can a significant impact. For example, beautiful signs with images using colours red and green are associated with food and can pull the client’s customers to make a purchase and thereby impact sales.

quality4. Choose their clients

It is important for you to know your skills and your worth. As you grow as a designer you will become more clever about which clients to pursue and which ones to avoid or even refuse. Based on your skill level and niche you may want to target clients that will 1. pay 2. not waste your time with an overkill of changes 3. not ask you to create a coffee book to praise buddha when you are a Christian with strong Christian principles—just saying, I have been there.

New graphic designers tend to offer cheap, affordable and fast service to any and everyone but I have seen where this is not a good way to market yourself as you often attract persons wanting five dollar logos and they want it like yesterday or a $1 per page curriculum with the end of project nowhere in sight. Time spent with one non-paying client wanting a quick gig could have been invested in a long-term client which you could help to strategically build their visual image.

Not having your niche defined could lead to work you cannot do well and this brings you frustration and misery. If you have a defined niche and act professional, who will have to go seek your ideal client otherwise you will face poverty. With a defined niche and ideal clients, please be sure to treat your clients well and be professional. Otherwise, that would just be silly.

5. Never stop learning

checklistNow we look around at other graphic designer work and we marvel at times at the skill level of that designer. The truth is we should never stop learning. Even graphic designers with fabulous work cannot say that they know it all. With the constant upgrade in technological tools to do things better, learning never stops.

For example, I recently re-signed up for the Adobe Creative Cloud. I was so excited to learn that not only did I have access to the usual cloud applications but I can access the mobile applications. I downloaded  Adobe Capture. I was so excited to learn I could create vectors using shapes, patterns, colours and brushes from my environment. I was definitely captivated by Adobe Capture and I hoping to learn more to maximise what it offers.

Some people learn may want to learn to draw better to create original elements in their design, some may want to make their drawings come to life through animation graphics. Some want to become a better print designer. What have you been learning?



Think logically, get creative, do great layout, colour with purpose, choose your clients for to ensure quality and never stop learning are my tips to you. Please share, in the comment box below, additional things that may be useful for graphic designers to do.

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